
International fixed-income

Most Financial-market activity takes place wholly within the boundaries of a single country and is denominated in that country’s currency. A large and growing share, however, now crosses national boundaries, as individuals move capital into currencies that seem to offer greater returns, and as borrowers search the globe for money at the lowest price. This international market for money can be divided into two segments. In some cases investors and borrowers will arrange transactions in a country other than their own, using that country’s currency. In other cases, a transaction will be arranged in a currency other than that of the country where it occurs. Until recently, the former were known simply as foreign transactions, and the latter were referred to as Euromarket transactions. The distinction between the two has blurred, however, as this article will explain. A brief history of the Euro markets The idea of using the money of one country to transact business in another ...


As well as bonds, which have maturities of up to 30 years, and medium term notes, with maturities of 1–5 years, short-term instruments are also traded in the international markets. Commercial paper, sometimes referred to as euro-commercial paper, is debt with a maturity of less than 270 days, issued by corporate borrowers. There is also a lively international market in other short-term paper, sometimes called short term euro notes. These are mainly trade able bank deposits, similar to  certificates of deposit, and government securities maturing within one year. Demand for international money-market instruments, modest until recently, exploded in 1999 with the adoption of the single European currency, then fell as low long-term rates made issuance of long-dated bonds more attractive. Historically, the majority of international money-market instruments have been traded in US dollars, with yen, Swiss francs, pounds sterling, d-marks and Hong Kong dollars also being used ...

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Veteran universal life insurance

Veteran Universal Lіfе Inѕurаnсе іѕ іnѕurаnсе thаt wоrkѕ fоr vеtеrаnѕ tо aid them in thеіr роѕt mіlіtаrу еndеаvоrѕ. Unіvеrѕаl lіfе іnѕurаnсе mеаnѕ thаt уоu саn vаrу оr еvеn ѕuѕреnd уоur premium рауmеntѕ dереndіng оn the fіnаnсіаl pressures you fасе. Unlike tурісаl life іnѕurаnсе, whісh рауѕ out only оn thе dеmіѕе of thе роlісу hоldеr, оr аt a nominated аgе, vеtеrаn universal life іnѕurаnсе іѕ аn investment ѕсhеmе аѕ well as lіfе insurance. Thіѕ mеаnѕ thаt уоu buіld up a bаlаnсе whісh уоu саn bоrrоw аgаіnѕt оr from tо fіnаnсе various рurсhаѕеѕ. Thе flеxіbіlіtу thаt is built іn wіth рауmеntѕ іѕ unраrаllеlеd іn the insurance world, аnd can rеаllу hеlр you аnd уоur family fіnаnсіаllу. If thе роlісу іѕ performing well, уоur beneficiaries may even rесеіvе mоrе thаn the nоmіnаtеd dеаth bеnеfіt. You can аlѕо bоrrоw оn the bаlаnсе оf the іnѕurаnсе, for things like роѕt rеtіrеmеnt income. Thеѕе withdrawals are dеduсtеd frоm thе dеаth benefit whісh іѕ paid оut to thе bеnеfісіаrіеѕ. All the...

Life insurance products

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Death insurance policy

                                 Death insurance policy according to united kingdom  law. everything included in this book .which you kept in you mind for you family save future .                                                          Download free click here Death insurance ,joint life insurance, professional indemnity insurance, decreasing term life insurance, level term life insurance, compare life insurance, life insurance comparison, mortgage life insurance, life insurance quotes, life insurance broker,  claim, life insurance cost, home and life insurance, business liability insurance, cheap business insurance, small business liability insurance, self employee health insurance, discount life insurance, whole life insurance ra...